#1. Enjoying the process

It is important to enjoy learning the piano. Playing music is an incredible activity. No negative feelings should be allowed to ruin positive emotions, because they are a direct way to losing interest in music or slowing down the progress. It is extremely important to make sure that a child is working according to his or her ability. I believe that for younger learners, short exposures are very effective. Moreover, I found that learning is often completed earlier and students have a desire to do more!

It is important to know where to take a break. If you train a child, you should monitor his or her condition. If you notice problems with concentration, wandering eyes, incorrect answers when you know that the child knows the right one and other similar signs, you should take a break. It is pretty stressful and unpleasant to keep practicing in such a condition. Pushing the child to continue will only result in negative emotions. It is important to make sure that the child has a clear desire for learning right now and right here. Keep your piano lessons short and productive.

№2. Practicing every day

Kids and adults learn more effectively if they practice regularly. There should be a daily routine set up for a child, so he or she could see the piano as a constant part of their life. Even 5-minute practice can bring lots of benefits. The child should see information every day. Some of the students tend to practice long sessions but then not doing anything for several days. Of course, different things, such as family activities, do not allow practicing within some days, and it is not a big problem. Still, there should be a clear practical structure that a student will adhere to during his/her entire life. It may be more effective to practice in small sessions. For instance, your child can do it 5 minutes several times a day. This will help him/her to better concentrate and achieve better results!

#3. Choose the best time of the day

It is important to make sure that nothing interrupts you from practicing. Most young learners can achieve better results if they study in the morning. You can choose any time you want. Now, schedule it in, so it becomes a part of your routine. Another popular time that you may like is just before school. I actually liked this time when I was a student. I believe that learning how to play the piano is a great beginning of a day. I can see that my kids find this time the best for learning. They really enjoy having some enjoyable minutes before going outside. You may also find that the time before or after dinner is good for your child. Also, he or she may also like having some time playing music before going to bed. Basically, you need to choose the right time based on your family’s activity. Usually, a parent knows which time is the best for his/her child. All in all, you should think over the schedule before starting the learning process. Your child will finally get used to practicing at the same time every day. It is really amazing to feel and see how your child becomes better and better at playing the piano. 

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